Concerned??? Embarrassed and ashamed should be more like it …..

Dems concerned as sharp attacks from Trump put raspy Biden on the ropes during high-stakes debate

As would be expected: While Biden’s campaign blamed the raspy voice on a cold, the president’s uneven debate performance grabbed the most headlines, and sparked a new round of calls from political pundits and some Democrats for the president to consider stepping aside as the party’s standard-bearer. But top Biden allies pushed back against such talk as they defended the president and targeted Trump for lying throughout the debate. 

All bullshit coming from the demo- socialist party. Backdoor Joe’s back was aganst the wall most of the one-sided debate, visibly shaken and doing his best to get through the slaughter.

The best think BDJ did was lie his very old ass off. He is such a natural at bullshitting, the lies pour out automatically.

Only pathological  liar, can look straight into the camera, be so convincing and believe his own bullshit. BDJ has been performing the same circus act for almost 60 years and getting away with it.

I still stand by my opinion; if he is the best they have, they are far worse than pathetic. Is this the fool the USA wants to dispaly on the world stage?? It is way beyound mortification.

The most egregious mistake that Backdoor Joe made wants to agree to the debate. This just shows the arrogance of the man (half a man).

Trump should have put his ass on the hot seat and told him that he should be held accountable for every death and every act of destruction ever since throwing the gates wide open. Maybe Donnie needs a writer I am available. Gotta go for the jugular vein, gotta go for the kill, he has nothing to lose and everything to gain.

If BDJ and his puppeteers are smart, they will call off any future debates. The only reason they will not is because his retreat would show a sign of weakness.

I don’t know how many people noticed, whenTrump made a reference to Backdoor Joe receiving kickbacks from China he put his head down and did not respond. The guy is as dirty and incompetent as he as he possibly can be.

The only time that BDJ scored any points lasy night was when he alluded to the fact that Donald Trump was a convicted felon. Whether the verdict was fair or not, the fact still remains Trump was found guilty.

I am relatively sure, when the Supreme Court gets their hands on this decision (if they ever wake up from their perpetual nap) it will immediately go into the shit can.

No one should be appointed for life.

I say for all of BDJ indiscretions and criminal activities the wrong guy was on trial. What Trump allegedly did cannot even come close to the crimes that Biden and his family have committed since he’s been in office. It is long past due that he is held accountable.

Personally, I think PDT was too easy on him.

The being that there were so many lies flying around, it is very difficult what to believe and what not to believe. The only possible way to come to any accurate finding is to keep yourself abreast of current activities and come to your own conclusion.

With all of the corrupted, one-sided news sources, where can we find dependable commentary?

I guess one of the only true resources that can be depended on are blogs like the Goomba Gazette.

That being said: my next comment is God Bless America, we need all the help we can get.

We are in much worse condition with our Homeland Security and our adversaries across the pond than the government leads us to believe.

Sticking your head in the sand and trying to deny adversely dangerous conditions exist and trying to deny they exist is very bad medicine. If we are not proactive against our enemies here and abroad as we should be, we will be in much worse shape than the politicians want us to believe. Denial is extremely dangerous.

The reason th PPP (Piss Poor Politicians) do not want to be forthright with the public as to how bad off we are at home and abroad, if they were forthright they would then have to admit their incompetence.


About The Goomba Gazette

COMMON-SENSE is the order of the day. Addressing topics other bloggers shy away from. All posts are original. Objective: impartial commentary on news stories, current events, nationally and internationally news told as they should be; SHOOTING STRAIGHT FROM THE HIP AND TELLING IT LIKE IT IS. No topics are off limits. No party affiliations, no favorites, just a patriotic American trying to make a difference. God Bless America and Semper Fi!
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