San Francisco buys vodka shots for homeless alcoholics in taxpayer-funded program

San Francisco health officials say a program that provides alcohol to homeless alcoholics prevents the city’s most vulnerable from using emergency services        


Why supply them with fentanyl – cocaine – heroin, and all of the other potent drugs out there that can kill someone with one dose?

The way I see it, all of the politicians in California and half of its citizens have their fucking brains scrambled. Instead of trying to reform these people, they are making them more dependent on the governmenT. This Is typical socialist mentality. How can you even wrap your head around this?

The pathetic-progressive-socialist movement wants to keep these people in these deplorable conditions. If that was not the case, they would try to educate the people and clean them up instead of leaving them in the deep, dark hole they are in.

How many billions has the government wasted using their irresponsible methods of reform?? This country is the worse shape now than it has ever been and only getting worse by aiding and abetting these homeless druggies.

I will tell you who really needs a complete psychological evaluation are these fuckin nut cases that dream up this nonsense remedies.

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From bad to worse …

New Boeing whistleblower comes forward after three latest incidents, says he was told to ‘falsify information’

Santiago Paredes says he wasn’t surprised when door plug blew out of Alaskan Airlines jet at 16,000 feet

It is not bad enough that the public has that deal with the inconveniences of flying, with long lines, canceled flights, cramped seating arrangements, little to nothing to eat or drink while traveling, and outrageous prices, now we have to worry about inadequate, neglected planes that are literally falling apart. Best of all or worst of all, the airlines are covering up these defects, putting the lives of their passengers at risk all for the sake of the $$$$$.

Santiago Paredes told “Fox & Friends First” Friday that he was pressured to “falsify information” when logging defects in 737 fuselages, which is the main body of the aircraft. 

He said it became a constant battle to do his job of identifying and documenting defects, as there was pressure to move planes along.

Mr Paredes better have eyes in the back of his head and watch his back. Whether the two whistle-blowers that died recently is a coincidence or not was still up for grabs.

If some of the airlines have no compulsions about putting thousands of people’s lives at risk by flying in defective aircraft; do you think that they would have any regrets about OFFING some whistleblower for running their mouth??


Whistleblowers: watch out for the guy with the umbrella.

Once again, I blame the government for their lack of pushing the responsibility on the airlines to make the planes safe to fly in. SHUT THEM DOWN until all repairs are made.

It wouldn’t surprise me if many of the politicians in DC have stock in these airlines and don’t want their numbers to drop.  

I certainly would not feel comfortable flying these days.

Folks; like everything else in this twisted/corrupted world, it is all about the $$$$$

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We need more tough love …..

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From Fox News – Anti-Israel teen, 16, arrested for defacing WW1 memorial after father turns him in: NYPD

Anti-Israel teen, 16, arrested for defacing WW1 memorial after father turns him in: NYPD

This is exactly what these supposed bad ass punk’s need is a swift kick in the ass from their parents.

I will never forget this dramatic scene, a mother slapping the shit out of her kid for being involved some riots in Baltimore.

This is exactly what American needs more of, some tough love.

My hat is off to this mother and the father of his punk kid he turned in.

Utmost respect

Who in the hell are these kids supposed to learn right from wrong except their parents? By these parents disciplinig their kids, it does not demonstrate that they hate them, it shows that they love them and want them to go down the right road in life.

We absolutely do not have enough of old school family discipline in this country. They will hate you today but love you tomorrow whenever they get their act together.

For many years, I have been of the opinion; regardless of how a kid is raised in the discipline department, if they start hanging around with the wrong crowd in their teens, that is going to dictate what road they are going to take. Be very selective on who your kids hang around with.


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Is he really that ego driven …

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He will chop him to shreads …..

Biden gives 3-word response when asked when he’ll debate Trump

Former President Trump has repeatedly said he would debate President Biden

President Biden gave a three-word response when he was asked whether he would debate former President Trump prior to the election.

“Set it up,” the Democratic president told reporters following a ceremony celebrating the WNBA Champions, the Las Vegas Aces, on Thursday afternoon.

This jack-off, shameful fool we have for a president has made a lot of mistakes while occupying THE BIG CHAIR. BUTT his biggest will be if and when he debates PDT. PDT will chop his anti-American ass to shreads.

In an up and up, no holds barred debate, Backdoor Joe will not have the advantage/benefit of hiding behind cue cards and telepromters. I would think that the puppeteers who pull his strings would strongly advise him against it.

The ONLY truthful thing he will be able to say; he is the worst president this country has ever had. I am sure The Donald will touch on that.


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Three cheers for Judge Caprio …..

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The judge with a BIG heart …

The human side of the law.

Judge Caprio should be a shining example to the rest of the black robe wearing, power-hungry bastards that sit on the bench.

I am sure he can be as tough as he needs to be under the right circumstances. On the other hand, we can see the human side of the people at appear before him. It should be mandatory for all of the judges in this country to watch the videos of the judge and use him as an example.

Using his fair method of justice, the way Judge Caprio conducts his courtroom probably makes a big difference in how many people may view the law and respect it.

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King Chuck – can’t beat tough love ….

King Charles gives Prince Harry ‘slap in the face’ with announcement after refusing to see his son: expert

Duke of Sussex in London for 10th anniversary of Invictus Games

Prince Harry was hit with two major blows during his return to the U.K.

Just after learning that he would not be able to see his father due to the king’s busy schedule, Buckingham Palace announced on Wednesday that Harry’s brother, Prince William, will be made colonel in chief of the Army Air Corps. The Prince of Wales is succeeding King Charles III as head of the regiment.

It’s about time that ex-Prince Harry feels the pressure and shame of all of the mistakes he’s made turning his back on his family.

When any person turns their back on their own family, that is about as low as anyone can get. If they let some outside source like a husband or a wife dick-tate to them or influence them that is twice as bad. Family always comes first, providing everything is on the up and up

For Harry to turn on his family the way he did all in the name of getting some trim is unconscionable.

Queen Lizzie sort of handle the situation with kid gloves and didn’t want to create any waves. She had a soft for the Red Head. When Chuck took over the BIG SEAT he handled the situation with an Iron Fist.

Harry had it made for the rest of his life; but being such a weak sister he allowed MM to lead him around with the ring in his nose, like the brothers say, “she’s got his nose wide open”.

It is gratifying to see his old man took him to the proverbial woodshed.

Will Harry ever have a change of heart and extend a Maya Coppa to his family admitting he was wrong?? I really doubt it, MM has him wrapped too tight around her little finger, and her moneymaker.

In my opinion, giving up all he had to wind up with what he has now was not a good trade-off. The only good thing that came out of his marriage was his kids.

King Chuck, stick to your guns and put the boots to the ingrateful lad.

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From Fox News – Philadelphia to temporarily shut down Kensington Avenue to clear homeless encampment in open-air drug market

Philadelphia to temporarily shut down Kensington Avenue to clear homeless encampment in open-air drug market

What the hell took them so long?? Is Charlie Chan coming up town??

These liberal cities are pathetic.  Most of them wait until conditions are completely out of control before they make a move. Kensington Ave is a perfect example.

Folks, this is the USA not some 3rd world country. What a disgracc.

Discipline, consistency and control are the names of the game. But that is not how the pathetic progressive Fools View Society.

It has been proven time and time again that no society can function successfully without common-sense, rules, regulations, and law and order.

I am not suggesting Gestapo law and order, what I am suggesting is common sense law and order to keep everything on an even keel.

It it a shame that the people who run the country can put their heads together and find a happy medium as to as to how senseseable governments shoould be operated. It is done every day in countries like the Netherlands.

One of the biggest factors that have caused this lawlessness are the money the people behind the scenes. The people behind the scenes, who are determined to set up a socialist government, do not want harmony. Their main objective is to have complete control of mind, body, and spirit, where all citizens are dependent totally upon them. Their main objective is to have complete control.

If there were such things as the afterlife, my hope would be that they would all burn in hell for all the destruction and damage they have created over the years, seeking control of the country.

Homelessness is just a minute fraction of the monsters they have created to disrupt a civilized way of life.

Who would have ever thought that here in the USA our own government would become our worst enemy.

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