Which one will Jap the other 1st????

Russia and North Korea sign partnership deal that appears to be the strongest since the Cold War


Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have signed a new partnership that includes a vow of mutual aid if either country faces “aggression.”

Talk about a Satan and a Lucifer team, this is a very unholy alliance. I would not believe anything either one of these psychotic maniacs says or commits to. They are as ruthless as any two people can be. I might as well throw Backdoor Joe in the mix as a pathetic untrustworthy liar.

Signing an alliance agreement means nothing to either one of them. It is just a matter of time which one of the demented killers will JAP (slang used for stabbbing in the back) the other one first.

While the United States and Japan were signing a peace treaty; Japan already had formulated their plans too attack the United States; thus giving birth to the slang JAPS.

Using that as an example; neither North Korea nor Russia can be trusted to abide by any agreement signed between them. They are only using each other to fortify their military positions. If push came to shove, they would slit each other’s throat Faster than a person could say Mao Zedong.

As soon as the heat gets turned up in the kitchen, the other one will immediately throw the other one under the rickshaw. There is absolutely no honor amoung thieves.

This sacrilegious marriage does not put the USA in a very desirable position. Nowwwww, if Charlie Chan gets thrown into the mix we are in real trouble.

It is an absolute disgrace that mankind cannot come together and live in peace and harmony. It is all about power, greed, money and control. There are enough natural resources and money in this world that wars are absolutely unnecessary.

The fact of the matter is, the very few and very powerful are not satisfied with their slice of the pizza, they want the whole pie.

About The Goomba Gazette

COMMON-SENSE is the order of the day. Addressing topics other bloggers shy away from. All posts are original. Objective: impartial commentary on news stories, current events, nationally and internationally news told as they should be; SHOOTING STRAIGHT FROM THE HIP AND TELLING IT LIKE IT IS. No topics are off limits. No party affiliations, no favorites, just a patriotic American trying to make a difference. God Bless America and Semper Fi!
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