Thanks to the enemies president ….

Risk of terror attack on US soil rises to alarmingly high level, experts warn

Porous southern border has allowed millions of unvetted people to enter US, raising chances of major terror event, experts say

Swing the gates wide open and let them pour in.

The threat of a major terror event taking place on U.S. soil is at a dangerously high level with big cities like New York City and Washington, D.C. most vulnerable to an attack, terror experts are warning.

Andddddd, what is the enemies president doing about it? Putting out the welcome mat and inviting more terrorists into the country, all in the expectation of getting a law passed making them eligible to vote.

“We’ve let 10 to 20 million illegals into the country with little or no vetting. It’s a canard to think that they’re all just from small towns in Mexico or Bolivia or Ecuador or something,” Mauro says. 

Mauro said that the eight Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS who were recently nabbed having allegedly crossed the southern border illegally was “an enormous red flag” and that there are millions of unvetted people streaming across the border in the post-9/11 world is “just utterly incomprehensible.”

Ladies and gents, hold on to your hats and bonnet’s, the worst is yet to come.

If there is a here-after, I hope this evil bastard burns in hell for all of the death and destruction he has inflicted on the American people all in the name of getting votes.

About The Goomba Gazette

COMMON-SENSE is the order of the day. Addressing topics other bloggers shy away from. All posts are original. Objective: impartial commentary on news stories, current events, nationally and internationally news told as they should be; SHOOTING STRAIGHT FROM THE HIP AND TELLING IT LIKE IT IS. No topics are off limits. No party affiliations, no favorites, just a patriotic American trying to make a difference. God Bless America and Semper Fi!
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