Was the microphone on guys ????

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Explodes at Caller: ‘Get The F— Out of Here!’


Ed Schultz is trying to cover “his keaster before Easter” after he blasted a caller with the most common 4 letter word used in the English language today.  He didn’t know if the 7 second delay was activated or not. NOT

The rant happened last week but was not released to the public until Laura Ingraham blew the whistle on Eddy yesterday.

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz cursed out a caller on his syndicated radio show, calling the man a “fricking a–hole” and telling him to “get the f— out of here.”


As far as I am concerned trying to camouflage conversations like that is useless. Kids in the second grade are using it.  It has become part of many peoples everyday vocabulary.  If that was the worst thing a person did was cuss a little, so what. I say it is a good stress reliever and how really gives a F–k?

About The Goomba Gazette

COMMON-SENSE is the order of the day. Addressing topics other bloggers shy away from. All posts are original. Objective: impartial commentary on news stories, current events, nationally and internationally news told as they should be; SHOOTING STRAIGHT FROM THE HIP AND TELLING IT LIKE IT IS. No topics are off limits. No party affiliations, no favorites, just a patriotic American trying to make a difference. God Bless America and Semper Fi!
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